Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We are Having a Girl!

Our family went in for our mid pregnancy ultrasound two weeks ago, and guess what...We are having another girl! While most people thought we'd be having a boy, Kris was right on and knew all along that we were having a girl. Kourtney got her wish for a little sister, and Alyson quietly whispered into her daddy's ear after hearing the news, "Next time can we have a baby boy?"

As with tradition, we have already chosen a name and have begun calling our baby girl by the name of Ellary. Her full name will be Ellary Evelyn Allee. Alyson has a friend that she likes very much whose name is Ellary. Kris' mom, Eleonore will also have a name sake, and my grandmother on my mom's side was named Iva Evelyn. Also, keeping in tradition with Alyson and Kourtney's full names, Ellary's first and middle names both start with the same letter and have Y's in them. She will be called Ella for short.

We are so excited to welcome her into the world some time in April. She will be loved very much, and her arrival will come at a bitter sweet time when we are preparing to relocate. Ellary will be our little beacon of light as we await the many transitions our family will make in the following months.


Babbel Family said...

Congrats! Having 3 girls totally rocks...

Unknown said...

Congrats!! You can't go wrong with girls :)
Hope everything is going well.

Jenny G said...

Congrats! They will have so much fun as sisters.

Tia said...

Hey Jess,its Tia Babbel Hejny. I found your blog while looking at Sarahs. I can't believe how big your family is getting! You guys are so cute!!

Joe & Mel's Blog said...

Congrats! Another girl - what a blessing!