Alyson and Kourtney then attended a birthday party which we had to cut short so we could head out to the country to see some chicks at a church friends home. Brother and Sister King treated ward members to a hay ride and hot dog roast, let us hold chicks and see lambs at a neighbor's home. We also visited an Amish store down the street from them and went for an Amish Buggy ride that the King's Amish neighbors offered. What a great and beautiful afternoon in the country! To top it all off we went to an ice cream shop called "Mooville" that serves the biggest ice cream cones I have ever seen! Seriously, 12'' ice cream a top an already extra large cake cone. Even if you aren't a "baby", the baby cone will suit most people just fine! They also have a petting zoo with calves, goats, ducks and pigs. A friend from church took photos of Ellary's cute encounter with a calf that I can't wait to see! It was nearly 10:00pm when we got home.
I'm glad we take advantage of these opportunities to enjoy some quality family time, letting the children explore a new environment, watching their eyes light up and also participating in ward camaraderie because these days are flying by like no body's business! Before we know it, Kris and I will be empty nesters recalling these special moments, having forgotten about Ellary's moments of fussiness due to a lack of sleep that day. We will recall with fondness the opportunities we took while we could, and I know the girls will appreciate it too.
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