Friday, June 5, 2009

Big Baby News

We went in for our mid-pregnancy checkup on Wednesday and guess what? Alyson and Kourtney got their wish...I'm expecting a boy! So, I guess you'll be seeing a little more blue at our house if you visit us after October 31st (my due date).

Kris is excited that he'll have a son to golf with (he wants a golfing buddy badly so hopefully our little gy will be athletic, or if not athletic, smart so he can talk accounting with Kris!). Kourtney and Alyson can't wait until they can play "Princesses" with him because that means they'll have a "prince" to play with. I'm very excited to see the brotherly/sisterly dynamics that I never got to experience. I also hope Ellary and "?" will be good friends and buddies especially because they will be so close in age (about 18 months).

We are still working on choosing a name for this little guy, but hopefully we'll decide on one soon. At least we can call the baby "him" for now. Of course we would have been happy finding out we were expecting a girl if that were the case. We know little girls and had a name picked out already. Boy names have been more difficult for us to choose this time around but we have a few in mind that we like.
My doctor said that our little guy looks healthy and is measuring about 6 days ahead of schedule (not quite enough to change my due date). We are just very happy and grateful that he is growing well!

As for telling our parents, you know we had to stick with tradition and tell them in a creative way...Kris came up with the idea this time around. We called Peterson Plumbing in Grand Junction and asked them to call our parents and spring the news on them in a creative way (we provided a script for them). This is the gist of what Sonja from Peterson Plumbing told them-

"This is Sonja from Peterson Plumbing calling to confirm your appointment on October 31st for some outdoor plumbing work."

To which Kris' mom replied, "I didn't order any plumbing work."

"Is this not Kris and Jessica Allee's house?"

"They haven't lived here in years!" Then Eleonore hung up. She figured it all out a few minutes later.

Sonja had to leave a message on my parents' voicemail because they were traveling somewhere between Green River and Provo and didn't have cell phone reception when she called. My parents called about 3 hours later wanting to know what we had found out at the doctor's office.

I asked them, "Didn't you get a message?" Apparently mom erased the message from Sonja right away disregarding it as a mistake on Peterson's part (they had some work done by them that ended up causing a huge leak in their house, so they weren't so thrilled to be hearing from them).
After asking if Peterson Plumbing had called, mom and dad pieced it together on the speaker phone with me. "October 31st...outside plumbing...You're having a boy," they exclaimed.

Our parents and family are very excited that all is well as are we!


David said...

Congratulations! That's exciting news. Hope you enjoy having a little boy!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! I loved how you told your parents!

Katie said...

Wow- that is super creative! Congrats! How fun to have a little boy!!

Mel said...

That is really awesome guys. :) Congrats to all of you!

Lisa said...

I'm so excited for you guys! We miss you in Bloomington. :)